Dominic was my D.Phil. advisor. Besides seconding all the personal observations here, with my special gratitude for his support during a rough year 1985 for me, I can tell a story that has his "twinkle in the eye" aspect. One of his themes as he introduced me to Percolation Theory in 1981-82 was how unrigourous those working on it from a physics background were. He set me the task of probing a paper by one such chap, and I confirmed Dominic's suspicion of a major gap in the main result. Rather than send a letter, he invited the chap over to Oxford, and after suitable entertainment at Fellows Lunch, brought him over to meet me at the Maths Institute. We were smiling co-conspirators as Dominic had prepped the approach with me beforehand. We started by inviting him to lay out his proof, then I asked questions leading to the center of our web, and the poor chap was duly flustered---but appreciative at the same time. At least he was treated in best fashion. This was my first feeling of being at "buddy level", as continued in the following years also with Peters N. and C.